Subject: Saying Good By To The Mundane👍👍👍


Breaking free from the mundane.
What will friends and family think?

There’s nothing wrong with the educational system, per say…

If that’s what you want to do.

Yet, by and large, it mostly preps people to stick to industry norms, doesn’t it?

It’s a way to get a job.
A way to live a “normal” life.

(Again, nothing wrong with that!)

Yet… it can be hard for most to BREAK FREE from that cycle, if that IS what they indeed want to do.

(Or to see their friends break free.)

Yet, on the other side of mundane, for those that are tired of the 9 to 5 grind?

There can be found adventure, fun, more time, and more freedoms to enjoy their life.


You won’t always get loads of support and fans right out the gate. Expect it.

But after your success “seasons” a bit…

And after they see your new lifestyle, all the experiences you’re taking, and all the new free time on your hands?

They may cuddle up to you wanting to be your new best friend!

Either way…

If you’re wanting to escape the 9 to 5 and live life on YOUR TERMS… I say not to let anyone hold you back!


Hope This helps

Joseph Smith

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