Subject: Over 80% Of Your Success Depends On This !!💰💰💰


Getting sales is easy as pie if you get these 2 things right…

“What? You talkin’ to ME…?”

(Doing my best DeNiro impression there.)

When it comes to growing an online business that you’d bet the farm on…

Most of all your success will come down to your OFFER… And your AUDIENCE…

Very little of your success will depend on your writing skills and marketing prowess.

Yet, there’s a lot of people that don’t consider who their audience is, and who they WANT their audience to be.

Think you’d talk differently to a retiree that wants supplemental income, and wants to spend more time with his grandkids…

…Than you would a college dropout or 20-something that’s tech savvy, and wants to travel the world and party hard?

Of course…

And the more you can drill down and talk to a specific audience, the more sales you’ll be rolling your way!

To Your Success

Joseph Smith

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