Subject: No is an answer too!

You know…

 There was once a saying by Paulo Coelho. He said: “When you say yes to others, make sure you’re not saying no to you.

” In other words, NO is an answer. One big part of progressing in life, especially in relationships with others and the relationship with yourself, you have to learn how to say no.

 I know this to personally be true, because I used to be the person who didn’t know how to say no.

 My friends - well at least I thought - got to the point to where they were just taking advantage of me. Maybe you can relate?

 So, it would be a good thing to start practicing saying no.

 One tip for you is that when you’re answered with a yes or no question - if you think that you would normally say yes to it, let that person know that you will think about it.

Head off into a quiet corner, think about whether or not you want to tell that person yes or no and really weigh out the pros and the cons.

 If saying yes will put you in a position to where you’re taken advantage of, then tell them no. That’s one of my quick tips to you on how to handle people pleasing and putting yourself in a situation where it isn’t a fair trade off.

 Start saying no. But you will want to say YES to this:

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 Joseph Smith

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