Subject: Learn How To Take Small Conversions And Tweak To 3-4X Sales

Hey friends and new subscribers

Can you add 2-3 more sales – monthly or bi-monthly? What could that mean when you do?

“MATURITY is not when we start speaking big things. It is when we start understanding small things.”


Earning a consistent, and MATURE INCOME up to $10,000 month after month is not when we make big changes, but when we understand the power of SMALL things.

For example, small changes, that results in a small increase in conversions = big profits.

If you’re driving 100 new leads a day into your business through FB or Solo Ads, and that results in 1 new sale, or 1% conversions…

Increasing that to 3 sales, or 3%, will massively beef up your revenue! Especially do the small shifts in your business like this make a difference when you’re focused in on High Ticket Sales.

Let me ask you…

How many $10,000 sales a year would it take for you to be happy, right now? Ten? That’s $100k. Not a bad start, right?

And that’s from only 10 customers!

Compare that to needing about 2,250 customers selling at $47 to hit the same profit potential.

The difference is just a “small” difference in focus and strategy.

And by focusing on high ticket sales, you’re able to easily increase conversions from 1% to 3%, because of the extra level of service you’re able to offer your leads and customers.

You’re able to follow up 1-on-1.
You’re able to be more personable.
You’re able to help at a much higher level.

You may be happy, working less, helping others, and earning a fantastic income!

Making sense?

With the right plan, all the puzzle pieces fit wonderfully together!

===> If you need a plan to follow, go here.



Joseph Smith

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