Subject: It’s the small wins that make the BIG wins

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If anyone has ever had a BIG win in their life… A milestone… ...A MAJOR accomplishment…

 Then you can bet that it can be broken down into little, small wins. What do I mean?

 Let’s take a look at someone who has BIG muscles. Let’s say….Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

 He didn’t get like that overnight. He worked his butt off, day in and day out in the gym.

 And whenever he stepped foot in the kitchen, he made sure he was choosing the right foods so that he can continue to progress to the physique that he has now.

 It’s the little things that make up the BIG things.

 It’s the habits. In fact, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson himself even said a quote that adds up perfectly with this.

 It goes like this: “Success isn’t overnight. It’s when everyday, you get a little better than the day before. It all adds up.”

 If you need to, write it down, put it on your fridge, tape it to your wall… Whatever you need to do, you must ingrain this in your mind.

 Because this is how success is made.

Now, you can start on any journey.

 But you need to make sure you are ingraining the right habits.

 And this will show you exactly how to do that:


 Joseph Smith

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