Subject: Is it just a big, FAT lie?!?

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Seriously… Is the Law of Attraction real? Or is it just a big, FAT lie?

 Well, you have to understand the universe and how it works and there is no better person to quote than Nikola Tesla. Well - we can also use Einstein, but for now, let’s look at what Nikola Tesla said.

 “If we want to understand the universe, we need to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” With that being said, you need to understand that everything in the universe is energy that is vibrating at a certain frequency.

 A chair is vibrating at a different frequency than a sheet of paper. They are both made from wood, but they appear to be in different forms because the vibrations are different. Now, let’s look at what Einstein said:

 “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality that you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way

.” Both Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein have an understanding that everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. But Albert Einstein goes the extra mile and tells you HOW to get the reality that you want.

 He says “match the frequency.” You may be wondering how do you “match the frequency” of the reality that you want?

 Here’s How: ===> CLICK HERE

 Joseph Smith

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