Subject: I Guess Pigs Can Really Fly LOL


I remember it like it was yesterday.

 I told a good buddy of mine: "Very soon, I'll be a wildly-successful internet marketer." My buddy's response?

 "When a pig can fly." Sure - it hurt.

But that was just an ounce of the negative energy I put up with from him. In fact, all my buddies would ridicule me.

 I'd be watching infomercials and reading home business material


 Ever see the crows come into the fields and rip seeds up out the ground? Well, my buddies were crows. Every positive seed I tried to sew, they always tried to rip it up.

 But I never gave up. I kept at it. And guess what?

 That pig did end up flying LOL

Hope This Content Helps To Give It A Try

Joseph Smith

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