Subject: Here Is More Free Content & Concepts In Marketing😃

Hello Friends

Did you know that the Law of Attraction is really the Law of Awareness.

You know Bob Proctor? Surely you have heard of him at some point. He’s one of the top personal development and Law of Attraction coaches in the world today.

 He once said something really profound. He said that when people are applying to work for his company, he asks them what is the most that they’ve ever earned in a year. He does this not because he cares, but he wants to know where they are programmed.

 If they earn $50,000 a year, he knows that is where they’re programmed.

 If they earn $500,000 a year, he knows that is where they’re programmed.

 It doesn’t matter, because programming can always be changed.

 He then goes on to say in one of his YouTube videos that: “People who earn $50,000 a year aren’t earning that because they want to.

 They are earning that because they aren’t aware of how to earn $100,000.” Stop right there. Trust me, I have the same question.

 You mean to tell me that to make more money, that all I have to do is become AWARE of how to make more money? That is exactly right.

 This is why I believe that the Law of Attraction is really the Law of Awareness.

 Because whatever we are aware of, that is what we manifest in our life. So… The key is to increase our awareness. And this is how you go about doing that:


 Joseph Smith

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