Never...EVER do this...

You may think this is common sense. But it's the common things that most often slip our minds. When your priorities change, drastically, you come to a crossroad

 for every decision you make. Killing time on the internet... Lounging around on YouTube... Out partying with your friends... Some things you will have to sacrifice for a much more "boring" but "more productive" activity.

 Such as reading educational material. You have to do what needs to be done if you want to move forward. Again, some things you will need to let go. And those things that you take up? You need to FOCUS. Have what's called "tunnel vision" and get it done.

 It's all about mastering your productivity and your work ethic. Do this, and you'll be successful much quicker than you think. Also, make sure you do this daily...

Hope This Helps

 Joseph Smith

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