Subject: Chance meeting in the library


I work from the library sometimes and, when you visit the library often, certain people are ALWAYS there on their computers no matter how many times I go there. And I'm not talking about students.

 I'm talking about people who should be at work; people who are simply dressed in jeans and t shirts. Thing is, I am being observed as much as I do the observing. And it so happened that one day, out of the blue, one of these individuals came over to me to ask, "What is it that you do? You're always here when I'm here." After telling him I was an internet marketer, his response was, "So am I."


 And, from there, I found a new internet marketing colleague to bounce ideas off and do business with. That association has led to further networking with the local internet marketing meet up where I learn so much more from people in my city who are extremely successful online. If you haven't gone fully on your own yet, use your next vacation time to see if there are any local meet ups in your area where you can connect with like-minded people.

You never know who in that group can help you get to their level quickly by giving you the break


 you need to go full-time. Oh... a couple colleagues in my meet up and I are having great success with this program...


 Chances are, you will too.

 Joseph Smith

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