Subject: What is the number one channel for generating leads for your business

Learn from Pete Vargas

10X Funnel Hackers

Pete Vargas returns for a fourth year to 10X Growth conference. He has successfully partnered with Grant Cardone on the 10X Stages program. Learn why he continues to be a valued speaker to the GC community.


The 3 things Grant Cardone does better than most. Why is he so successful? According to Pete Vargas, there are 3 things that Grant does that contributes to his success: #1 He understands sales strategy, #2 He’s unbelievable at getting attention and #3 He understands how to scale his business.


So when you are in the presence of success, these are the 3 questions you need ask to help your business:

1. What’s their next sales strategy?

2. What are they going to go do to get attention?

3. What are they going to do to scale their business?


We all know the main traffic sources: Paid media, Content creation, Organic traffic, SEO, Email marketing, and Affiliate or Referral marketing. What people don’t tell you is how much these are long games and how hard some of them are right now. This is not the Field of Dreams. It’s not. And so a road without traffic is useless. So I need you to get traffic. I need you to get attention. To find out the road that will generate the most leads in 2022: download my notes and find out!

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