Subject: What is the ONE thing you need to do in a recession?

Grant Cardone shares the secret to surviving the current economic crisis

10X Funnel Hackers

Grant Cardone is the CEO of Cardone Enterprises and Cardone Capital. He is an entrepreneur, speaker, and author of several books including The 10X Rule. He is one of the entrepreneurs profiled in the second season of Undercover Billionaire on Discovery where he built a company with an over $5 billion valuation in 90 days starting from scratch.


Five things to master to create the life that you want. "These are ingredients. These are not things you do. These are things you have to figure out how to do...If you don’t figure out how to do these things or bring in partners to do these things you will not master the money mental game. Click to find out the Five Key Things to Master the Money Mental Game.


Have you heard this money myth: "Saving is a good thing. Saving is the way to wealth." This is false. You do not want to save your money...You want to invest money. Saving will never create wealth. Click to see Grant Debunk Common Money Myths.


Did you know there are five marketing mistates common to most companies, most entrepreneurs, most families, and even workers? If you don’t want to be a worker forever, you got to figure out how to market yourself so that you get better opportunities. In a recession, marketing is going to be the single most important thing that you do. How much money you have saved in the bank

savings will NOT save you. Click here to Find Out the Five Common Marketing Mistakes so you can Avoid Them.

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