Subject: What about NFTs? How can business owners benefit

More from Jordan Fried

10X Funnel Hackers

Jordan Fried is a blockchain evangelist and crypto-capitalist. He’s currently the Chairman and CEO of Immutable Holdings, “The Blockchain Holding Company.” He owns and operates, launched HBAR as a founding member of Hedera Hashgraph, co-founded Buffered VPN, a trusted personal VPN services now acquired, and is an angel investor in companies like,, Hive.

01 Jordan Fried spent $2 million to get the domain This was before NFTs exploded on the scene so he made his money back. He has created a DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization, which means the users are in control. The users will govern the community through concensus. In order to get a profile (essentially your page) on you need to purchase what he calls a "genesis key." He ran a launch and at the time of Growth Con he was offering special pre-launch access to attendees. While I missed the pre-launch, on his official launch, I checked the prices and a genesis key was selling at the ethereum equivalent of $2560. You could only purchase using a connected ethereum wallet. However, now that cryptocurrency prices have crashed, it is possible this price has dropped IF there are remaining genesis keys available.


Not just pictures or JPEGs. Most people understand NFTs as digital pictures of cartoonish animals (i.e. Bored Ape Yacht Club) and wonder, why are people spending ridiculous amounts of money on this? Jordan would like us to stop thinking about NFTs as pictures and JPEGs because that's only how we’re using NFTs today. This is not how we’re gonna be using them 10 years from now. 

An NFT is a digital property. It says that you own this virtual piece of land or this watch. It’s an authenticity certificate that says you own something and everyone can see it. This is the future of NFTs. It could be title bids to properties for example Everything of value in the physical world is going to be represented in the digital world in a form of a token. We are onboarding physical verse value to the metaverse, which is a $10 to $30 trillion opportunity.


Some examples: So back to Grant and your business and what you all can do. You

will have the ability to empower this audience. You can invite them to make decisions, right? (DAO) Hey, we’re doing a logo rebrand or hey we’re launching new merch. We’re now shifting from an NFT just representing an image or some piece of intellectual property to what if it has utility? What if I own this seat at growth con in the front row right here? What if I own that seat every year and I get the comp? What if I can’t make it and I want to resell it? Now I get the share in your economics in the event, it’s not just you guys selling tickets, I can make a little money selling tickets and maybe I throw you guys a royalty for doing it right. But that’s exciting. Now that’s like a season ticket. We’re talking to many professional sports organizations about leveraging NFTs for personal seat licenses to be able to invite the fans to crowdfund to build the stadium. Literally contribute own that seat. And that’s the fan experience. The Packers have some models similar to that right and the rest of the rest of the NFL I think will come on board.

I have already seen this as a fan of the NHL team, the Washington Capitals. They released an NFT series to fans a few months ago. Some of the NFTs were attached to special game tickets and experiences.


So we’re a lot closer than we think. The SEC just approved the 70th stock market in the world which is going to be on the blockchain. And it’s gonna be security token marketplace. Download my notes from his talk to get all the information he revealed at the 2022 Growth Conference.

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