Subject: Want to experience a total business transformation?

Let Brandon Dawson lead the way

10X Funnel Hackers

Brandon Dawson built his entire career helping business owners grow their business. He’s bought and sold over 120 businesses and sold his last company for $150 million, or 77X EBITDA. In 2019, he partnered with Grant Cardone and in less than 36 months he took Cardone Ventures to a $650 million company that’s managing over $1 billion in assets.


There’s $10 trillion of wealth transfer happening in the next eight years. 10X will prepare those of you that are interested in being prepared. We’re gonna prepare you to become one of those owners of one of those trillion dollar businesses. And if you’re already in one of those businesses, we’re going to expedite your success, expedite your growth. Grant has been crystal clear about what he wants. Every single person that works in this organization serves the mission. The mission is to prepare you to 10X all aspects of your life.


Brandon believes there’s three questions you should ask anybody you’re getting advice from. Do you know the 3 questions? #1: What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever built? #2: What’s the most amount of money you’ve ever made? The biggest thing you’ve ever built? And this has got to be quantified withhow many employees, revenue and profitability. You need data to listen to people otherwise shut them out.

#3: What’s the biggest exit you’ve ever had?


If they can’t address those three questions, shut it down. There’s way too much BS advice, free advice, promoted advice but they’ve not done it. They’re not going to help you do it. I promise you that.


Finally, Brandon addressed the five things you need to do to experience a total business transfromation. Learn what they are by downloading my notes from Brandon's talk.

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