Subject: This is the moment we've been waiting 3 weeks for!

The books are here...

Well, it’s finally here...

You can get the books by clicking right here!  

(If you joined the Affiliate Program, use the same email address you used to join that program)


As you follow that link make sure you hear that little Russell voice in your head...  'Document The Journey'


And as always, Do What Russell Says!


You'll want to show that you purchased the books to everyone you know.


You'll want to show them how smart you are.


You'll want to show them you care about your business, and your world, and you want to change for the better.


That's why we read books like this - to Make Our World Better...


And if you are promoting the 'Secrets Of Success' I'd highly recommend you also take the Annual Plan and get the Bonus Book, 'The Hand Of Destiny', by Napoleon Hill.


It will be worth every penny.


If you're not already signed up to be an Affiliate for 'Secrets Of Success', just send me a message asking how to get signed up.


But for now, follow this link and jump on this fantastic offer right now...


Secrets of Success Bibliomania  👈


There's a 17 minute Documentary called 'Bibliomania' that you'll want to watch, but somewhere near the end of the video a New Section will open on the page with the Opportunity You've Been Waiting For...


Turn on your camera and start recording as you scroll through the offer and get signed up.


(make sure you don't reveal your credit card to anyone!)


After you buy, reply to this email to let me know that Your Mission Is Complete!

To Your Success,



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