Subject: The Algorithm for Success from Brandon Dawson

Learn about the 4 F's

10X Funnel Hackers

Brandon Dawson built his entire career helping business owners grow their business. He’s bought and sold over 120 businesses and sold his last company for $150 million, or 77X EBITDA. In 2019, he partnered with Grant Cardone and in less than 36 months he took Cardone Ventures to a $650 million company that’s managing over $1 billion in assets.


The first F is FOCUS: "And that’s to concentrate your attention and effort on the target. Staying focused on your target is the most important thing that you can do in business."


The second F is FLOW: "And as you take action and create momentum, you attract the stated objectives and results that are your targets...As a human being you have the capacity to attract into your life exactly what you state and are committed to finding but you have to put the intention and the action in order to get the attraction...And you start gain gaining some momentum. You start generating more energy. And as you create momentum you’re now in the FLOW."



The third F is FLOURISH: All of a sudden now you’re not getting resistance in the relationships, you’re actually starting to flourish. Because you’ve taken so much action, you’ve gotten better at what you’re doing and now it’s happening easier. And then all of a sudden you’re able to teach others to do what you’re doing. And as

a leader, it’s your job to make other people’s success easy. And so now you’re an example: “Hey, if I make these calls, I set these intentions, I get these results. I gain momentum. I’m attracting things I’ve always dreamed of. Because I set my intentions based on my goals and my goals based on my intentions and my objectives based on my intentions and I take the actions and boom it happens.”


The fourth F is FORTIFY: "It happens over it happens over and over and over and over and over again and then all of a sudden I fortify the belief...Fortify the belief that if you set your targets, you set your intentions, you take action towards the intended result, then you attract those goals into your life. That’s the algorithm of success. And I do it and I do it and I do it again and again and again and again until it becomes something that almost looks like to everyone else that just happens by accident."


Brandon spoke more on the 4Fs in the mentor call and how to implement. For more detail, download the notes from his talk by clicking here.

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