Subject: So hot, you can’t miss

25K+ In bonuses? Wait What?

Uh oh…the word is out…

Funnel Builder Secrets is closing in less than 48 hours! 

If you’ve seen my previous emails…

You’ve heard that my good friend Russell Brunson released the BIGGEST offer ever! 

I mean…it’s literally a no-brainer…

Here’s the whole offer: 

✅ ClickFunnels 2.0 "Funnel Hacker Annual Plan" w/ 3 ClickFunnels workspaces!!! ($5,964 Value)


✅ "ClickFunnels Classic" for 12 months! ($3,564)


✅ Funnel Builder Secrets Course ($1,997)


✅ Geru Pro Account (LIFETIME ACCESS) ($1,997)


✅ Funnel Scripts Software (LIFETIME ACCESS) ($2,997)


✅ Two Comma Club LIVE (Priceless)


✅ BONUS: 10X Secrets Masterclass


Total Value: $16,509


But You Can Get Started Now For JUST $1,997!


When I was doing the math…I was alone going to pay MORE for ClickFunnels if I didn’t get this offer…


Now…I practically get both ClickFunnels 2.0 and ClickFunnels Classic for FREE for a whole YEAR…because I got into this offer.


Plus I get to access the funnel builder secrets course to build my funnels or do it for others! It’s a step-by-step over the shoulder training on creating the best funnels in the world! 


And whole bunch of other softwares that help with copy and funnels and what not…


So if you’ve been waiting…wait no more…


The doors are closing in less than 48 hours! 


Click Here To Get In The Most Irresistable Offer Ever Made!

PLUS get these FREE bonuses from me:

On October 20 at 1 PM EST, Learn Russell's secret 7-Figure Funnel Revealed at FHL 2022, sign up here:

Become a 10X Funnel Hacker 2CC Warrior one year to implement all of Russell's teachings

  1. ​Write Your Perfect Webinar for your business and not only launch your webinar funnel, launch your AUTOMATED webinar funnel

  2. ​Implement your Funnel Hub in CF2.0

  3. ​Implement Russell's Secret 7 Figure Funnel into your business

  4. ​Put into practice not only the speaker's talks we will go over but the ones we couldn't cover in the webinar

  5. ​Notes and slides from ALL the speakers at FHL 2022

  6. ​Learn Migration techniques to get your material from CF1.0 to CF2.0

  7. ​Learn CF2.0 with experts supporting you

Total Value: $12,497

To Your Success!


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