Subject: Simple Steps to 10X Your Branding and Marketing

10X Funnel Hackers

Swan Sit was interviewed at this year's 10X Growth Con 5 and gave entrepreneurs advice on marketing and branding based on her corporate experience with iconic brands like Elizabeth Arden, Revlon and Nike.


“So that’s what you guys can take home tomorrow as you think about your businesses. Social is about people. Know your customer. Know what values they have and what you connect on. Don’t worry about the glossy logo or the brands. Know your customer and talk to their values.” Be willing to take risks. Be different from your competition. And do what no one else is doing.


“And the regret that I had with not leading with is business, but they’re built by people. So if you treat people right, you can go to bed every night feeling good about yourself.” 


“Take it back to basics…We can only remember three things at a time. So what are the three things about your brand [that you want to be known for]?

Go further and find out if those three things are being perceived by asking those around you what they think those three things are. You will find that you have blind spots and you may need to adjust.

To learn more, click here to download my notes from her talk.


Ultimately, to Swan Sit, it is about “Impact. It’s about results. We can work hard, we can work smart. We can do it. We can leverage our network. But what matters at the end of the day is the impact.”

While the Elizabeth Arden campaign led to modernizing the brand and featured diversity and inclusivity, at the end of the day, the campaign led to the company going from being in the red to ten quarters of growth and an acquisition by Revlon. “Real results.”

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