Subject: Now Or Never!

Last Chance To Get Funnel Builder Secrets!

This is your FINAL reminder to get into the Funnel Builder Secrets Offer…

It is the MOST irresistible offer my good friend Russell Brunson has ever made. 

And it’s expiring TONIGHT at midnight! 

Click Here To Get In The Funnel Builder Secret Program Now!

Here’s ALL you get when you join TODAY

✅ ClickFunnels 2.0 "Funnel Hacker Annual Plan" w/ 3 ClickFunnels workspaces!!! ($5,964 Value)


✅ "ClickFunnels Classic" for 12 months! ($3,564)


✅ Funnel Builder Secrets Course ($1,997)


✅ Geru Pro Account (LIFETIME ACCESS) ($1,997)


✅ Funnel Scripts Software (LIFETIME ACCESS) ($2,997)


✅ Two Comma Club LIVE (Priceless)


✅ BONUS: 10X Secrets Masterclass


Total Value: $16,509


Become a 10X Funnel Hacker 2CC Warrior one year to implement all of Russell's teachings from me

Write Your Perfect Webinar for your business and not only launch your webinar funnel, launch your AUTOMATED webinar funnel

Implement your Funnel Hub in CF2.0

Implement Russell's Secret 7 Figure Funnel into your business

Take action on all the teaching from FHL 2022

Notes and slides from ALL the speakers at FHL 2022

Learn Migration techniques to get your material from CF1.0 to CF2.0

Learn CF2.0 with experts supporting you

Total Value: $12,000


But You Can Get Started Now For JUST $1,997!

Don’t wait…this won’t come again…If you’ve been thinking “oh I’ll just pay monthly for ClickFunnels” Or “Maybe I don’t need this and can figure it out on my own”

Let me tell you… You will waste thousands of dollars, hours and hours of time…waiting, 

And wondering why nothing is working…

This the biggest opportunity in the world…and 99% of the people don’t even know it…

By the time this gets out…you’ll have so much competition…you’ll regret not having joined earlier. 

There are millions of people waiting to be served by your funnels or business owners struggling because THEY DON’T have a funnel…

So this is YOUR chance…CHOOSE to invest in yourself…Choose to go ALL in…

And Do IT NOW!

Click Here To Get In The Funnel Builder Secret Program Now!

This offer will close down tonight! Doors will be closed…

And if you try to join even a second after…it won’t be available.

So do yourself a favor…and get in NOW! 

You won’t get this email again. 

Click here to join now!

To Your Success!


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