Subject: Learn the "two things that separate the good and the great, the pro and amateur..."

Alex Rodriguez on Business and Baseball

10X Funnel Hackers

Alex Rodriguez was a Major League Baseball shortstop and third baseman for 22 years. He’s also the Chairman and CEO of the Arod Corp and the Chairman of Presidente beer. He’s a 14 time All-Star and considered to be one of the greatest baseball players that ever played the game. He’s a broadcaster for Fox Sports, and a regular guest on Shark Tank, a member of ESPN Sunday Night Baseball broadcase team and host of CNBC’s Back in the Game.


"Dad left when I was 10. So he left mom in a tough situation and I just saw this woman get after it so hard. And it really upset me as a young man and I didn’t even know it was upsetting me that my mother never had an opportunity to invest in great deals. You know, I was upset that all the great deals went to all the white rich men. That’s it. Women weren’t at the table, minorities weren’t at a table. If you didn’t have a big time college education, you weren’t at the table. And what I love what you’re doing’re democratizing investing. And I wish my mother had a Grant Cardone to get that opportunity."


"And the two things in my career that I’ve noticed...there’s two things that separate the good and the great, the boys and the men, and the pro and amateur...two things in baseball: one is fundamentals and two is confidence. The same two are true for business."


"You have to have the vision and the vision has to be clear. At Arod Corp, we believe [in] V, C, P: vision, capital, and people. Grant and I have vision, we collectively have the capital, and then Grant and I go out and find the greatest people in the world to buy into our vision, our dedication and discipline. So with VCP you can scale. We’re a $2 billion business today, we have over 1000 people that work in our organization. We own over 40 companies. We’re taking seven public this year.”


Do you choose opportunity or money? "Forget about money. Get the opportunity. Get the mentor...What we’re looking for are shortcuts. I don’t need nine people that are average. I need one person that can cut the line. You’re here cutting the line, you’re looking for opportunity...So you’re putting into the universe that you want to win and you will win. Champions win and that’s what you are.”


"Actually I’m fifth all time in the history of baseball, in strikeouts. That means there’s four people in the history of mankind...have more strikeouts than me. Now, that means I have a Ph.D. in failing. But I also have a Master’s in getting back up."

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