Subject: Learn how this entrepreneur made $100 million in the last 3 months of 2020

With this pivot, this entrepreneur recouped millions from a covid cancelled event and skyrocketed his business

10X Funnel Hackers

In preparation for Growth Con 2022, we are taking a look back at previous Growth Cons and some of the key points from guests


Pete Vargas lost $5 million at the beginning of the pandemic when he had to cancel his in-person event at the beginning of 2020. Rather than give up, he pivoted. "When we lost the money, I made a decision to say I’m going to go with 31 virtual stages. I don’t have to leave my home. I’m gonna do it from my basement, and I’m going to go get 31 stages in 31 days. That was the mark I set out, and I told my team, you can’t help me at all. I want a solopreneur to see that they can do this."


However, although he challenged himself to do 31 stages in 31 days. This is what really happened: "I went on 31 stages, not in 31 days, in 14 days. In 14 days that replaced seven figures of income, seven figures of income in this post-COVID world."


There are three strategies to his method:

"In the post-COVID world that I believe all of you need number one: The way that you communicate is how you’re going to know if you’re going to sell a lot or sell a little." 

Number two: OPS versus OPM. OPM is "other people's money." But Pete's way is leveraging other people’s stages (OPS) which is "like having other people’s money." Every other person's stage he got on generated thousands of new lead. And these leads led to sales. "Every industry, every niche, should be doing more of being on other people’s stages." He was so successful that every other entrepreneur is now going to him to learn how to get on other people's stages. "The world has changed. You have the go be on their social media live channels and talk about whatever it is that you do...challenges, webinars, associations, podcast, summits, YouTube channels, media, other people’s courses and membership sites, their virtual masterminds." This is how you can achieve omnipresence.

Number three:  Build your own virtual experience from your basement, a local studio, or a national studio. He then went on to describe how his team developed a method to create a 360 interactive experience that goes beyond the typical zoom that can make people feel they are at a live event. It cost him about $750/day to set up at a local studio level but it became his #1 customer acquisition strategy in 2020.


Pete outlined step-by-step how to create your own hybrid online event in 2021 and laid out several other gems. To learn more, click here to download my notes from his talk.

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