Subject: LAST DAY! Claim your FREE paid challenge funnel AND challenge training

We will recap the whole challenge tonight!


Wow! The week has flown by and the challenge is officially over.

So tonight we will be doing our free recap of the entire event so you don't miss any of the key points.

Pedro also introduced the Challenge Secrets Masterclass Intensive with tons of bonuses valued at almost $20,000 for only $997. And he even included a payment plan.

As a bonus to those that decide to join the intensive, you will also get access to my weekly group coaching and all the replays of previous trainings including the Perfect Webinar, Webinar Funnels, and Funnel Hubs. Just click on the link below to get the details:

And as promised, you will also be getting a free paid challenge funnel!

So don't miss out and get your FREE training and funnel here:

To Your Success,


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