Subject: It's Giving Tuesday and You can get the ALL NEW One Funnel Away Challenge at no cost

with a Clickfunnels Trial

Black Friday and Cyber Monday may be over but the deals are still coming.

On Giving Tuesday, Russell is giving not one but TWO challenges that you can get for absolutely nothing:

First, the One Funnel Away Challenge has now been updated for Clickfunnels 2.0!

Years ago, I joined the original OFA to start my own funnel building journey...and now I am a fully certified funnel builder.

So it can be your first step to creating THE funnel that will get YOU the 2 Comma Club Award at next year's FHL.

So join here for free (if you get a Clickfunnels 2.0 trial): or pay $100.

AND if you missed the 3 Day How to Get Anything You Want Challenge, don't worry because it's back: and it's free as well.

So you can potentially get both without spending a dime.

To Your Success,


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