Subject: "If you take it personal and it’s really personal to you, you’re going to be successful"

Advice from Dave Grutman

10X Funnel Hackers

Dave Grutman is one of the most successful hospitality entrepreneurs in the world. It all started when he decided to take a detour on his way to work in title insurance and instead went down to Miami's South Beach to bartend. Years later, he's now the owner and partner in multiple world renowned Miami venues. He was named by Rolling Stone as one of the most 50 most influential people in dance music. He opened Lift nightclub—the fifth highest grossing club of all time. Pre-covid he sold a majority stake in his company to Live Nation.


"...Don't ever be afraid to take that step back and pay whatever it is to move forward in life...for me, the biggest critical path that I ever made in my life was to do that. can't tell you enough. Always invest in yourself."


"How do I handle negative press? How do I handle the naysayers? How do I handle the haters? I do it by dominating...I put everyone to sleep by dominating. Because I'm the leader in the market.


"I want to scale as quick and as big as I possibly can. And for my team, it’s important if people feel like they’re [going to grow with you, if] there’s not growth with you, they’re not gonna stay. It’s not about the money. It’s not about that. It’s about growth. So I have to create those opportunities for my team to grow." 


"How important is money to the game? I mean, it’s part of the engine but money comes as an end result for you doing what you love. And I know it’s such a cliche thing to say must be fired up to go do what I do." 

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