Subject: Do you want to know how the get ANYTHING you want?

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Have you heard of Elsie Lincoln Benedict?

Turns out she was a hero in the Women's Suffrage Movement...

Elsie Lincoln Benedict was a prolific speaker back in the early decades on the 20th century, with an estimated reach of over 3 million listeners.

Prior to 1920 Women did not have the right to vote in the United States.

But on August 19, 1920 the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution was Ratified granting Women the right to vote.

"Beyond her lecturing and political engagements, Benedict was a tireless advocate for women's rights. Representing the State of Colorado, she became a key figure in the national scene for women's suffrage. Her work in this field was not just limited to speeches and organization but also extended to mentoring and inspiring other women to join the cause."

Over the past few years, Russell Brunson has purchased over 15,000 old and often extremely rare books.

None is more rare than a set of 14 books written by Elsie Lincoln Benedict titled, 'How To Get Anything You Want'.

If you'd like to learn more about this incredible woman's life Reserve Your Seat Today for the 'How To Get Anything You Want' Challenge, Nov 1-3 at 12PM ET...

To Your Success!


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