Subject: Do you know the new currency?

Brandon Dawson conti

10X Funnel Hackers

Brandon Dawson built his entire career helping business owners grow their business. He’s bought and sold over 120 businesses and sold his last company for $150 million, or 77X EBITDA. In 2019, he partnered with Grant Cardone and in less than 36 months he took Cardone Ventures to a $650 million company that’s managing over $1 billion in assets.


Collaboration is the new currency, money is not going to matter. I started this business with a Grant with no money. How many of you would like to start a business with the rest of us with no money and build a business that’s worth a half a billion dollars in three years. The only way that happens is following the leader, somebody who’s willing to help you do it.


The best decision on a personal level, a professional level, a financial level, is to have collaborated and partnered with the Cardones. The best decision you can make is partnering with us as a community and with each other. Because as a community, we’re on a mission. The bigger you are, the more momentum, the more energy is created. The values created, none by yourself, can create massive impact. Nobody can [by themselves].


Four years ago Elon Musk was 90 days from bankruptcy. You guys know that? He went all in several times. How many of you have gone all in? Some of you might have to make that decision this week. And by the way, some of you will have to decide, “Do I want to go all in?” and for some of you that decision will be hard. For some of you, you’ve got so much money but you’re still scared depart from it. The people that succeed are the ones that go all in.


Finally, Brandon addressed the three things he didn't have that Grant did that prevented him from the same level of success that Grant achieved. Learn what they are by downloading my notes from Brandon's talk.

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