Subject: Do you have what it takes to be on a stage in front of millions?

A new collaboration between Grant and Aengus James

10X Funnel Hackers

Aengus James, producer of Undercover Billionaire, is now collaborating with Grant Cardone to produce several new tv shows about entrepreneurship and business. Do you have what it takes to join the cast of one of these new shows? Let's find out!


How did this collaboration happen: Aengus James went to Grant and said, "...the whole industry is broken, you want to talk about that conversation? Just how it all takes too long, it’s too expensive..." and how the 'Hollywood guys' are not in touch with middle America. They agreed that there's a need to put on content that has to do with business and entrepreneurship.


TV is an amazing tool to spread information. Grant often says, "if they don't know you, they can't flow you." What better way to get known then to be on a platform that reaches millions. The question is whether you have what it takes to be showcased in this way. An example of a show that will be released is The Real Deal: "In this show right now we’ll do 12 cities, it’ll be like Anthony Bourdain traveling around the country checking out the city. Start talking about particular locale and then finding real estate deals where people will pitch deals to me and some other guys and will decide which ones we’re going to fund...we want to put you guys on TV. Right? We want to tell stories about the people who are doing things..."


The shows in production and some of which are casting: Whatever it Takes, Real Deal, Undercover Billionaire, Hustle House, Mini Moguls, and Undercover Entrepreneur. Are you ready to be cast? If so, download my notes and find out where to find more information.

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