Subject: Are you prepared for the $10 trillion wealth transfer that will occur over the next 8 years?

Insight from Brandon Dawson at 10X Growth Conference 2022

10X Funnel Hackers

Brandon Dawson built his entire career helping business owners grow their business. He’s bought and sold over 120 businesses and sold his last company for $150 million, or 77X EBITDA. In 2019, he partnered with Grant Cardone and in less than 36 months he took Cardone Ventures to a $650 million company that’s managing over $1 billion in assets.


There’s $10 trillion of wealth transfer happening in the next eight years. Do you understand $10 trillion? Well it’s happening because business owners are retiring or selling or shutting down or going out of business. Are you prepared?


Many people ask us, how do we best prepare ourselves for Growth Conference? Prepare yourselves by having a clear vision and perspective about what you want to accomplish. And then when you hear good information, relevant information, take it, apply it. Use the information become part of it instead of separate from it.


Just get out of your own way. Just take some guidance, take some advice, listen to some wisdom, and apply it. It’s our ability to educate and teach you what we do as an organization. It is my job and the job of the teams, directed specifically from Grant and Elena Cardone, to give you the data, the ambition, the structure, the strategy, and make ourselves available to help you. Your job is to continue to show up. And once you demonstrate leadership, other people [will] see you succeed, and you [will] have influence and power.


Connected businesses is about building things that complement other things. Every business we have is a connected business [within the 10X ecosystem]. What you need to learn is the technical aspect of connecting businesses. Learning how to build connected businesses and doing it the right way is how you create value, not only for you, but the people around you.


To learn more on how to take advantage of this $10 trillion wealth transfer and build a successful connected business, download my notes from Brandon's talk.

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