Subject: are you living? Or...


You know that saying, “with great power, comes great responsibility?”

Well here’s another one: “with great pain, comes great understanding.”

The truth is, sometimes we have to learn the hard way - and when that learning comes with the knowledge you haven’t lived up to your own standard with your kids, well, let’s be honest... 

That can be painful.

Here’s why I’m talking about this today.

You see, I definitely made my share of mistakes when it came to my first marriage.

The sad truth is I gave my first wife and kids leftovers. 

Of course I made excuses that I was doing it 'for them' and all that jazz, however the truth is I had to look in the mirror and get real...  

To man up... 

And to realize that I'm an addict.

My addiction is a respectable one, however it doesn't make it any better or easier to deal with.

Workaholism like all addictions causes major issues.

I remember sitting in an event years ago and someone asked:

“Are you living, or are you giving leftovers?”

This refers to what you’re giving to your family after you finish work for the day.

Or the week. Or the month.

You know what I’m talking about, right?  Can you relate?

Too many of us entrepreneurs learn the hard way.

I know I did. 

And here's something fascinating to think about today.

You're a creative genius in your own way.

You make a difference.  

You create something out of nothing.

You transform lives in the world.

What if you took a small percentage of that creative inventory and pre-planned to give that creative energy to your family, kids, and loved ones?

How would it shift things in your life? 

There's a big difference in showing up for your family and kids depleted and worn out and giving them the same creative focus you do your clients. 


Here’s your action item for today:

  • Think about whether you have set aside (that is, scheduled in, the same way you would an important business meeting) daily time with your kids, with your significant other, or with the people in your life who matter most.
  • If you don’t, then decide how you’re going to fix that: sit down and talk about when you can get together with them, and put it on your calendar.

Treat those appointments like the most important ones on your schedule - because looking back 10 years from now... 

They will be. 

I look forward to hearing the outcome. 

Seize the day! 

PS: When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get a Breakthrough for your business:

1. Be a Guest and Listen to the Podcast: Growth to Freedom.
It's the resource to help you connect the dots, see the blind spots, get unstuck so you can get more clients, grow and scale your business with less stress. Enjoy it here or on iTunes If you’d like to be a guest on the show, tell me a little about you by going here.

2. Are you still doing most of the prospecting, selling, and fulfillment for your business?

If you're ready to get out of the day to day grind so you can stay in your sweet spot and have more fun growing your business, let's see how we can help.

What if 1 Call could get you the Breakthrough you need to solve your biggest problem?

Go here:

Also - make sure to check these out...

Over 200 Hours of Insights, Wisdom and Strategy for FREE. It's here on our show:

2 Steps To Get More Appointments, Leads And Clients - Go Here

One Red Thread: Leadership And Finding True Purpose With Dov Baron - Go Here

Architect Business Success With Justin MacDonald - Go Here

What's NEW with our company? Go here:

Seize the day! :-)

- D.K.

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