HAP's achievements during Phase II, latest news and upcoming activities
Newsletter of the Health for All Project | July 2023 |
| Phase II of the Health for All Project Closes - Here are the Achievements | | The Health for All project closed its second phase on March 31, 2023, marking significant achievements in the support of Primary Health Care service in the country. As we reflect upon the fruitful four years behind us, we express our gratitude to our collaborators, partners, and healthcare experts and professionals who, with their support, make it possible for the Albanian population to receive better medical services today and in the future. | | | |
| | | Family doctors, social workers, psychologists, and mental health specialists gathered on June 1st under the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and HAP for a consultative meeting on the training program "Empowering the Family Medicine Team in Managing Mental Health Disorders in Primary Health Care". |
| | | HAP continues to support Local Units of Health Care (LUHCs) in expanding the services to be provided by the family medicine team, such as home care, implementation of protocols for non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and visit appointment and planning. |
| | | Approximately 45 nurses from the Rrethinë and Postribë Health Centres in Shkodra have undergone training from May to June 2023, focusing on home care services. |
Dr. Bajram Lami: Patient visits increase following the rebuilding of health centre | Dr. Bajram Lami is the doctor of the recently rebuilt health centre in the village of Zall Mner, in the municipality of Kamëz. We spoke together about his extensive experience in serving the community and the benefits brought by the improvement of infrastructure in the quality and range of services provided to the residents of the area. |
| The Steering Committee Approves Interventions and Activities of the Consolidation Phase | The Ministry of Health and Social Protection approved in March 2023 the HAP project document for the Consolidation Phase that will be implemented in the period 1st April 2023-31 March 2027. On April 26, 2023, HAP held the 16th meeting of the Steering Committee. Discussions focused on the achievements of the project's second phase and the approval of the annual plan of activities for the consolidation phase (April 2023-March 2024), previously discussed during the Annual Planning Seminar. | |
| Completion of Reconstruction: Zall Mner Health Center Restored to Full Functionality | The residents of Zall Mner village will soon have access to improved healthcare services thanks to the modern infrastructure of the health centre rebuilt with the investment of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation through the Health for All project. | |
| The Health for All Project's Interventions were Presented at the Health Congress | On March 6-7, 2023, Tirana hosted the First Health Congress, where the Health for All project presented its current contributions, focusing on the models already being implemented at the national level, such as home care, the implementation of protocols and clinical guidelines, and continuing education for the Primary Health Care providers. | |
*only available in Albanian | | Would you like to stay informed on HAP initiatives and activities? | | | | |
Health for All is a Project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation that is being implemented in Albania by the Swiss Institute of Health and Tropical Medicine. The Project's overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved and inclusive primary health care. |
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