Steering Committee Meeting, collaboration with CSOs, experience exchange with Ukrainian delegation...
Newsletter of the Health for All Project | December 2024 |
| 19th Steering Committee Meeting: Successes and Challenges of Expanding HAP’s Interventions | | The 19th Steering Committee Meeting of the Health for All Project (HAP), convened on December 4, 2024, with the participation of representatives from the Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Health Operator, and the Health Insurance Fund who discussed achievements, challenges, and future strategies to enhance primary healthcare and home care services nationwide. The Steering Committee approved the six-month report for the second year of the Consolidation Phase and discussed the activities to be implemented by the end of the year. | | | |
| | | As part of its collaboration with HAP, “Together for Life” hosted a roundtable discussion under the theme “Ensuring the Sustainability of Home Healthcare Services for the Elderly through Dedicated Budgeting” bringing together representatives of public institutions, non-profit organisations, and healthcare professionals. |
| | | As part of the support for the integration of health and social services in primary care and the implementation of the PHC Strategy, HAP organised a roundtable discussion on the draft of the “Social Worker’s Instruments in Primary Health Care in Albania,” developed with the support of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation through the HAP Project. |
| | | The “Pema e Jetës” (Tree of Life) Foundation organised a meeting with representatives from key healthcare institutions, neurology experts, and patient rights advocates to share the findings of two reports conducted within the framework of the project “Enabling Physiotherapy Treatment for Individuals Affected by Multiple Sclerosis in Primary Healthcare Centres”. |
| | | HAP continues to closely support Local Units of Health Care in the establishment of Peer Groups in selected health centres through workshops for the respective facilitators, who are instructed on the establishment and operational rules of these continuous education activities. Peer Groups aim to enhance the knowledge and skills of staff in implementing guidelines and treatment protocols for STIs in primary healthcare. |
| Geraldo Krasi is a newly appointed family doctor at the Duhanas clinic in the Velabisht Health Centre, known for his expertise and dedication during training sessions supported by HAP, particularly in his role as a facilitator for Peer Groups. We spoke with him about the role of the training on implementation of NCD protocols in the healthcare service provided to the community. |
| Albania-Ukraine: Experience Sharing on Integrated Home Care Models | A Ukrainian delegation composed of members of the Act4Health Project and Vseturbota Initiative and representatives of the Ministry of Social Policy and Ministry of Health visited Albania to exchange experiences with the HAP Project focusing on integrated medical and social home-based care. | |
| Implementation of HAP Interventions in Clinical Practice: Swiss Team Visits Dajç Health Centre | Representatives from the Embassy of Switzerland in Tirana and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) visited the Dajç Health Centre in Shkodër to observe first-hand the impact of HAP’s contributions on the healthcare services provided to patients. | |
| HAP Publishes a Brochure Showcasing the Project's Interventions and Achievements Over the Years | HAP's extraordinary journey in enhancing Primary Healthcare has now been summarised in a new brochure, which reflects the project’s interventions, achievements, and challenges from 2015 to the present. HAP's contributions have been instrumental in improving the organisation of the healthcare system, ensuring the efficient management of health centres, advancing the professional development of doctors and nurses, and introducing new services to support vulnerable groups, alongside many other significant initiatives. | |
| HAP Team's Article Published on Medicus Mundi Switzerland | The article “Providing Home Care for Vulnerable Groups in Albania” prepared by HAP project experts has been published on the Medicus Mundi Switzerland platform. This prestigious Swiss association comprises around 50 organisations engaged in international health projects, further highlighting HAP’s contributions to innovative and inclusive healthcare solutions. | |
*only available in Albanian | | Would you like to stay informed on HAP initiatives and activities? | | | | |
Health for All is a Project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation that is being implemented in Albania by the Swiss Institute of Health and Tropical Medicine. The Project's overall goal is that the Albanian population benefits from better health due to improved and inclusive primary health care. |
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