Subject: Will Clubhouse be the end of Facebook?

is it really the evil empire

So, Clubhouse is all the rage

Everyone is predicting the "end of Facebook"

Reality is always somewhere in the middle

Truth is, Apple made a huge strategic decision with launching Clubhouse

Scarcity in that people have "limited" invitations

Who was the genius that said "it is only for people who have iPhones"

Seriously, we all know technology and that was a "not so sneaky" way to try to get people to buy an iPhone just to be one of the cool kids

They tapped into the market of people who don't like to be on camera

Think long term, isn't this like a live podcast event?

When all this settles down, I think Clubhouse will stick around

I think it will be another platform people use

Yes, right now you can get access to "industry giants" by sitting in on their session...

But, they aren't industry giants because they leverage only one platform

Clubhouse will be one of the tools at their disposal

Apple, brilliant move on their part

They will probably get more iPhone users because of their launch, but let's face it, if they want to monetize Clubhouse they will have to open it up to Android users

What are your thoughts?

Are you using Clubhouse?

Is it the "evil empire"?

ok, so spill... reply to this message and let me know

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To your success!

Antonella :-)

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