Subject: Myth: It’s hard to earn affiliate commissions

here's why

Hey there,

I’m a big fan of multiple streams of income. That’s just smart business, right?

The trouble is, multiple income streams often come with loads more work hours.

If you take on more clients, you work more. If you build a membership site, it takes work. If you start a new side hustle, you’re going to have to put the hours in... Is there another way?

You know what doesn’t take a ton of extra work though? Affiliate marketing.

At least not when you do it right.

I have shared with you how last year was my tipping point, and I finally decided to dip my toes into the affiliate world. In these few months I’ve seen my affiliate commissions grow from a tiny trickle to a more consistent stream every month, and not because I’m working more hours.

It’s because I’ve got good systems in place, and great experts.

Coming up next week, Karon Thackston and Cindy Bidar are teaming up for a live workshop where they are going to show you the strategies they use to:

  • Share affiliate offers without being spammy (this is critical to your success as an affiliate)

  • Earn ongoing commissions through blogging (Karon will even give you the post types that are her top performers)

  • Write email subject lines that get results (Karon’s advice here is absolutely priceless)

  • Work with affiliate managers for even more success

  • Leverage advanced email marketing strategies to create highly targeted offers

  • Always know what to share with our audiences (and what to never offer again)

Affiliate Success Strategies: How to Multiply Your Passive Income in 30 Days is a hands-on, live workshop. You’ll have a chance to get your questions answered in real time, so you can quickly ramp up your own affiliate marketing plans for the new year.

Right now, you can claim the early-bird price when you use promo code ASW at checkout.

If increasing your income from affiliate marketing is on your to-do list for 2021, you don’t want to miss out in this live event.

(use promo code ASW at checkout)

Your journey to success

To your success!

Antonella :-)

P.S. Yes! Replays will be made available if you can’t attend live. Don’t let a scheduling conflict prevent you from earning more this year. Register here before the early-bird special expires. (Use promo code ASW at checkout.)

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*** Disclosure: my emails may contain affiliate links. I will make a small commission if you click on these links and make a purchase, this does not affect your cost.