Subject: Do you have a rich mindset?

or a poor mindset

Everyone’s heard the cliché: "Time is your most valuable asset."

Someone recently said to me...

Poor people are cheap with their money.

Rich people are cheap with their TIME.

Which are you?

Wait! What did she say? Did she actually use the word "CHEAP"?

Yup. Go back and read those two sentences again. (It’s okay. I’ll wait.)

Cuz until you get that… and start living accordingly? You’ll continue to hold yourself back.

It’s funny. Most people don't think about it that way

But are you doing everything except something for your business?

Are you...

+ Watching Netflix

+ Refreshing your Facebook feed all day

+ Watching Instagram Reels (yes, some are cute, but really...)

+ Standing in line for an hour to get a free sample

+ Buying things because everyone else has one

+ Complaining about your soul sucking job, but doing nothing to change that

+ and so on and so forth...

I get it, there are so many ways I waste time.

I am a strong believer in that everyone needs a break, so I am not referring to that mental break I am talking about things you do instead  of working on your business.

The rich know better (there is a reason they are rich)

They know that every hour counts

So don't waste your precious time on wasteful activities

Pull out those goals and start pursuing them

Stop saying I won't pay for that course, instead I will watch free videos and read everything I can online

How long will that take?

How many mistakes will you make? With no one to help you figure it out?

I asked you before, which one are you?

Poor people are cheap with their money.

Rich people are cheap with their TIME.

If you wanna live a quality life while you’re young enough to enjoy it?

You have to cherish every minute while you have it.

Cuz sooner or later you will run out (I found out the hard way when my mom passed away, she never got to enjoy our son).

Invest your time wisely

build a sustainable online business
Your journey to success

To your success!

Antonella :-)

P.S. Want help building a sustainable online business, learn more here >>

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