Subject: Freebie inside

Freebie inside

February 18th, 2021 at 11:45 am EDT

don't wait I have been getting into YouTube lately no, not watching silly cat videos or pet rescue videos... although they are fun I have been creating videos as part of my marketing plan I am starting to see traction from it, and I wanted to offer ...

Happy Groundhog Day

February 2nd, 2021 at 12:44 pm EDT

more spring or winter... So, today is February 2nd 🦦 (ok, I couldn't actually find a groundhog emoji) The infamous groundhog will let us know if spring is around the corner or if winter will be hanging around We woke up to lots of snow this morni ...

Did you hear Facebook's latest announcement?

February 1st, 2021 at 12:25 pm EDT

we made it to February It's true, we made it through the first month of 2021 One down 11 to go 🤣 Breathe that deep sigh of relief, the world did not come to an end Let's kick off the month with a Facebook update Did you hear, they announced on th ...

Will Clubhouse be the end of Facebook?

January 27th, 2021 at 9:06 am EDT

is it really the evil empire So, Clubhouse is all the rage Everyone is predicting the end of Facebook Reality is always somewhere in the middle Truth is, Apple made a huge strategic decision with launching Clubhouse Scarcity in that people have li ...

His courses are like crack

January 24th, 2021 at 10:50 am EDT

and I can never say no If you have been here for a minute you have heard me talk about Frank Kern I love the guy, but he is my kryptonite His courses are like a drug I cannot say no to Guess what? He did it to me again, he got me to buy his latest ...

3 genius things to do for a successful online biz

January 21st, 2021 at 12:23 pm EDT

grab your gift inside Hope you are enjoying the start of the New Year! I know that I am filled with excitement and setting goals... ok, you're right, I know goals aren't sexy and fun but they do help keep us on track... a necessary evil if you will ...

Do you know what time it is?

January 20th, 2021 at 1:59 pm EDT

grab your calendar inside A few days ago we talked about investing your time wisely, You are here, reading this email so I know you have the rich mindset No wasting your time, you set goals and work to achieve them Remembering that you need to set a ...

Do you have a rich mindset?

January 18th, 2021 at 12:28 pm EDT

or a poor mindset Everyone’s heard the cliché: Time is your most valuable asset. Someone recently said to me... Poor people are cheap with their money. Rich people are cheap with their TIME. Which are you? Wait! What did she say? Did she actua ...

Does the "rule of 100" work?

January 14th, 2021 at 11:03 am EDT

choices... percentage versus dollar off This question has plagued business owners forever... Should you use a % off or a $ discount when running promotions? I know it is something that our salon owners asked and still ask all the time I now know the ...

Prevent procrastination...

January 9th, 2021 at 10:39 am EDT

and soar Are you a victim of procrastination? Procrastination is the slow killer of so many businesses Do you often suffer because of what you initially considered as easy has turned difficult with the loss of time, and let's not get started on what ...

Social Media

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